T30WC: Deadline

The twins are awake from their morning nap. That means I have 15 minutes to write this entry – to beat my deadline – before they start screaming and by the time they do that deafening duet, my train of thought will go haywire and will refuse to function. So here goes…

T30WC - deadline - calendar - readingruffolos

What do you do to friends who suddenly become different? The kind of different that makes you uneasy and uncomfy. I am talking about the kind of different that makes you want to slap the friend and ask her, “What happened to my kick-ass buddy who refused to bow down to the rules of the annoying, merciless rich populace?”

I am asking because a friend suddenly turned out to be the type of person she once abhorred with her entire being. She used to say: “To hell with the rich people who look down at the proletariat. Burn them to ashes!” I used to tell her she was too harsh. Now, she has embraced them with much love and has quickly become one of them. Her: “I like being in this club house. A glass of wine cost more than my life but it’s okay, it’s worth it?”


It’s painful to see her like that especially when you know she doesn’t fit the mold of a sophisticated aristocrat. When you see her struggling to be one of them when she can’t even manage to put on a straight face and give a genuine smile. When she tells you that high-end brands are way better than second-hand clothes because the former group is expensive (hence, durable) and the latter set is “eeew” and gross. When burgers and fries, which she considered as a special food group, is now called trash and inedible and already replaced by prime rib-eye steak, mashed potato and some greens. When she tells you that your American husband should get you a car (because all wives of white men should have a car) because it’s shameful to be seen waiting in line for a cab.

What happened to you?

There are friends you fight for even when they turn out to be so obnoxious and unbearable. You accept them again and again and again because you are friends. Change is good but not this kind of change I am seeing in her. It’s disgusting even insulting of her roots. So I have reached my boiling point with her and I just could not look at her in the eye and tell her, “I understand.” It is way too much.

It’s time to let go. Deadline saved.

deadline 2
T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.