The day before Mother’s Day

I wrote a story about stressful situations when you have twins in a women’s website. I mean every word that I wrote in this one. Yes, having twins is a blessing. They are cute and cuddly but it takes  a lot of patience and perseverance to survive each day. I want to share this article because I don’t want to be a hypocrite and say that everything is so easy. Here is the article: 7 Stressful Situations When You Have Twins. 

May 10, the day before Mother’s Day, was one of those stressful days. If you read the article, you will know the reason(s).

Antoinette played with my Dora doll, which is now her doll.


Nick tried to grab it from her but she was quick – sat down and crawled far from him. I managed to take this photo of them having a conversation.


I was reading Paolo Coelho’s The Witch of Portobello and would glance from time to time to check how they are. I was so immersed in the novel that when I looked up to see what they are up to, I saw this:


They were dragging the Big Black Monster, their Dad’s empty luggage, out of the closet. I did not stop them. This bag is actually lighter than it looks.


The resident muscle man, Nicholas is working on it with the assistance of the family strategist, Antoinette.


Now this is what I call: TWINWORK!


They want to drag the bag all the way to the center of the room and so Nicholas did this:


Precious. 🙂

In the evening, it was time for Nick to check Toni’s two upper front teeth.


To close this, I would like to quote myself in the article: “One thing that my husband and I realized about having twins is that we are the parents and as parents, we have the capacity to train our children. While it is stressful to raise two people at the same time, it can be learned and it can be planned out.”