Mother’s Day is for husbands and fathers too

I’ve posted this one on Facebook but I’d like to give this entry a space in this site because I truly am grateful to Jeff Ruffolo, the man who made motherhood possible for me.

I’m not the easiest person to manage. I’m a fireball of emotions and temperaments. I can be very demanding and abrasive especially when I want something immediately. For three – running four – years, you’ve kept up with my craziness. You stayed silent and held your hands next to your heart every single time I turned hysterical; you hugged me when PMS strikes; and when depression overwhelmed my already crazy state, you prayed with me.

I won’t ever deserve you but you’re one of the reasons why I believe that there is a God because He answered my prayers. I prayed for someone who can grow with me; someone who might initially feel disappointed with my faults and weaknesses but won’t judge and define the person that I am because of the mistakes I committed; someone who will travel the world with me and marvel at simple little things like on-time flight, a glass of cold orange juice and juicy fried chicken; someone who will give me twin children (and more!), and knows how to cook, wash dishes, and change diapers.

I have been one lucky woman! There’s a lot of truth in that. The past three days, I have been questioning the Heavens why I’ve been thrown to the dark pit in the last three months and I heard Him answer: “Well, sometimes you just have to experience darkness Honey so you’ll find light again.”

This Sunday is a special day and though I wish we’re complete, circumstances have prevented us to be in one place with the children. But, in you, I found the light; in you I found the strength to get up every morning; in you, I found reasons to hold on even if it’s much easier to let go. What would the world be without wonderful people like you? I truly enjoyed being single but I honestly can’t remember how life was when I would just randomly pack my bags and jet off some place unfamiliar. Family life changed me. You changed me.

So on Mother’s Day, I pay tribute to you Jeff, my husband, for making me a better a woman, a better wife, a better person. You, with God’s grace, are the reason why I became a mother. I am eternally grateful to your heart for all the kindness, respect, and love you’ve shown to me. I have your Mom, Marie Antoinette Bernadette Grego Ruffolo, to thank too for raising you as a wonderful man. Happy Mother’s Day to me and thank you very much to you for making this day possible.

I love you Jeffrey! We – the kids and I – love you!

Photos from 2013. Jeff with Antoinette a week after the twins were born (upper left). Jeff and Cris after Cris' French class at Alliance Française de Cebu (upper right). Jeff and Cris a day after the twins were born (center left). Jeff holds Nicholas for the first time (center right). Jeff and Cris before Cris' cesarian operation (lower left). Cris with the three-month-old twins then.
Photos from 2013. Jeff with Antoinette a week after the twins were born (upper left). Jeff and Cris after Cris’ French class at Alliance Française de Cebu (upper right). Jeff and Cris a day after the twins were born (center left). Jeff holds Nicholas for the first time (center right). Jeff and Cris before Cris’ cesarian operation (lower left). Cris with the three-month-old twins then.