Dad Speak: It never ends

It never ends.

Dad Speak MAIN

The laundry.

The dishes.

The diapers.

Oh Lord … so many diapers that I have the smell of poop permanently etched in my brain.

People say that when your children get a bit older, like the 5 to 7 year range – that it all gets better.

I want to spit in their eye!

It never gets better.

At least it never seems so.

As of this writing its 9 p.m. and our daughter Antoinette is screaming.

She always screams.

I have no idea why. I mean look … her diaper has been changed. She’s been spoon fed dinner. She is in her crib with all of her stuffed animals and the softest of soft blankets.

Yet all she ever seems to do is scream.

I get so tired at night. I know Cris does as well. She does such an awesome job and works tirelessly with the children that it seems like she has cloned herself several times over.

Case in point.

Tonight Cris re-organized a compilation of recipes that my Mom created for myself and my siblings before her passing more than a decade ago.

Before that, she cooked stuffed peppers which will be frozen for a dinner later next week and just now told me that turkey and spinach meatballs will be cooked later tonight, as well, for later freezing.

She is also taking graduate studies on language and literacy education, managing two blogs, writing a book, and will be taking guitar lessons.

I have no idea where she gets the energy.

Don’t think that she is alone in doing all of the housework. I do my share as well.

Throwing away all the trash, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the carpet.

I like to joke with Cris that most husbands do no housework, no cleaning or cooking and leave it all for their beloved spouse.

If I tried that, Cris would stick a fork in my eye.

She asked me tonight if I thought we were soul mates – destined by Heavenly Father to find each other?

I asked her to look at the smiles of our children which instantly answers that question.

It never ends.

The laundry.

The dishes.

The diapers.

But … one day … in the blink of an eye, our children will be seven years old and in their first grade of school.

Then in another blink they will be 11 years old and facing puberty.

And in another blink, graduating college and eventually finding their own soul mate.

Does it ever end?

Hopefully not.