Committed to me

Written March 21, 2016

I experimented a lot with the twins from the first day they were born until now that they’ve grown into fireballs (also known as toddlers).

Most of my experiments have been about book exposure and improving their basic literacy knowledge, in which holding a book, the proper way, is one of them. Happy to report that they don’t “read” their books upside down. Nicholas sleeps with books and Antoinette turns the pages of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where The Wild Things Are while I do the storytelling.

They are the reasons why I decided to pursue language and literacy education as a graduate degree (and I’ll hopefully graduate come July).

For JJ, I am enrolling in the American Sign Language class for babies and preschoolers. Interested to know how this will turnout. Already, I am excited.

Come August, I’m hoping to start a communication-related Master’s degree that I’ve put on hold two years ago to give way to language and literacy education.

In between all these, I will be attending tai chi and qi gong sessions.

When I’m in the Philippines, I’ll go on a retreat with my Mom. I’ve learned in high school that it is always spiritually enriching to allot special time with yourself and God.

This year, I’m turning 30.

No thirty before 30.

No bucket list whatsoever.

Just a commitment to myself to become better and healthier in mind, body, and spirit.