Book Review: Bittersweet redemption (Sister Dear)

Allie Marshall was in jail for 10 years for a crime she did not commit. Her incarceration broke off her engagement to Ben, strained her relationship with her parents, and separated her from daughter Caroline. Only her sister, Emma, managed to stay contact by visiting her every month. Allie got …

Book Review: That slow, steady kind of love (Mars…with Venus Rising)

Penn Davenport has a tragic past that prevents her from opening her heart to a man she is starting to like and reconnecting with a former best friend who is nothing but nice and warm. In this Christian romance novel, Mars… with Venus Rising, author Hope Toler Dougherty did away …

A time to read, a time to grieve (The Little Paris Bookshop)

For a full week, Nina George had me wrap my world around The Little Paris Bookshop and the literary pharmacist behind it named Jean Perdu reminding me that there is always a book to cure any heartache and that we, human beings, stubborn and prideful as we are should allow …

Review: An animated video on faith and victory but with concerns on term usage and character portrayal

I grew up with Bible stories as main go-to bedtime stories. Growing up in the Philippines in a Catholic family meant attending Holy Mass on Sundays and other special days. I was active in youth groups and in many prayer meetings and Bible discussions, we have ventured into the story …

Book Review: How to teach kindness to children  (The Princess Twins and the Birthday Party)

How do you teach kidness to young children? Or in my case how do I teach my twins to be kind to each other noting the competition that usually happens between twin children? Honestly, I turn to storybooks most of the time. I have toddlers, who are turning three years …

Book Review: The genuine essence of being beautiful (Brave Girls)

I have an ongoing conflict with myself. It’s a tug-of-war between believing that I’m beautiful and believing that I’m still the awkward 13-year-old whose face was swarmed with acne. This book is guiding me to come to terms with my past and accept the genuine essence of being beautiful. Yes, …

The women counterparts of Holmes and Watson (The Bachelor Girl’s Guide to Murder)

Think of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson – two of the literary world’s best detective duo – and transform them in your mind’s eyes as lady detectives in the city of Toronto in the early 1900s, that part of history where women were generally viewed as creatures relegated to knitting, …

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