T30WC: Tantrum

It is getting really challenging to discipline a soon-to-be, two-year-old boy with so much energy to throw a tantrum. The most effective strategy so far is to put him in his playpen, walk away, and let him cry it all out.

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Then, I’ll lay down thinking about how life was before this dynamite of a boy (and his rock star of a twin sister) came into my life, and remember the good ol’ days when I would spend the entire Saturday sleeping because I exhausted myself from too much dancing, singing, and laughing the night before. Missing those times… but not really the headache that comes with hangover. I have very little patience for loud music these days except those which involves choreographed dancing (because I find meaning to it rather than senseless grinding and shaking).

The boy stopped crying after 30 minutes of screaming my name. I stood up and checked if he was still breathing because I’m a paranoid 28-year-old Mother who fears things like her son holding his breath because he is too upset with his Mom, who needs to learn the art of managing her emotional pregnant self while dealing with twin toddlers.

Careful not to wake up the boy’s twin sister who was sleeping soundly in our room with Winnie the Pooh in her arms, I tiptoed out of our private sanctuary, poked my head to see if he was already asleep… And there he was, Mr. Curly Tops standing with his arms wide open the moment he saw me saying: “Mama, milk. Good boy.”

He’s going to have his first haircut on Thursday, the day after he turns a year older. He will be with his Dad and Uncle Joe; a Ruffolo men day out to introduce the boy to a traditional barber. My husband thinks that will affect his ability to throw a tantrum (in the same manner that Samson grew weak the moment his hair was cut). Let’s hope he’s right. I can use a little more quiet time in the house as my hormones go haywire and send me to Dreamland every three hours.

I’ll miss it though.

The curly hair, I mean.

Not the tantrum.

T30WC - Nicholas - tantrum - readingruffolos

T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.