T30WC: Breasts

I have never been this confident to talk about my breasts. I felt awkward about discussing my mammary glands, but being a mother gave me that courage to actually sit down and buy another domain name to serve as another platform for me to delve into a topic that warrants a blog of its own.

T30WC - breasts - breast cancer - breastfeeding - breasttalks - readingruffolos - FINAL

Breast Talks started in December 2014, a year after the Reading Ruffolos turned one year old. Two of my friends faced different challenges in relation to their breasts and I felt it was time to finally, openly, boldly touch on the topic involving every woman’s breasts, boobs, and bosoms.

Breast Talks was not meant to be a site that stresses me out on the next post I need to write or schedule. I made it a point that like the Reading Ruffolos, it won’t make me feel like I am obliged to post an article. Rather, each post is inspired by something, whether personal or professional, and made me feel that there is something in there worthy to be shared.

I only post on Wednesdays with each week bearing a particular theme. The first Wednesday is about Breast Care, which features information about how to take care of our breasts. The second Wednesday emphasizes Breast Walks or movements and initiatives aimed at supporting breast cancer awareness.

On the third Wednesday, I feature Breast Friends or people who write about their “breast experience”. I started that off with a story of my breastfeeding journey with the twins. The September post was from an article I wrote for All Women Stalk on seven inspiring breast cancer survivors.

Finally, on the fourth Wednesday and there are months with fifth Wednesdays, I publish Brave Breasts, photos and short description of breastfeeding mothers. I ask permission from these mothers to use their breastfeeding photos and they provide details they are comfortable about sharing.

I just added a new section on Reviews since I’ve been getting a lot of free samples – and some of them are more appropriate to review in Breast Talks than here (Reading Ruffolos).

For the month of October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month – I went all out to write in different voices to tackle issues involving the breasts. I originally wrote these posts for Reading Ruffolos’ The 30-minute Writing Challenge  but I realized these stories are best published in Breast Talks. If you haven’t read them yet I invite you to visit the website or you can click here (I placed these essays under Special Projects).

I am “closer” to my breasts these days because of my second foray into breastfeeding. Getting up close and personal with my boobies also got me reacquainted with my beasts namely laziness, depression, and back pains. You can’t completely understand what I’m writing or talking about unless you have another human being clinging to you like leech and sucking you dry (at least that’s how I feel every time Jeff Junior screams to be fed).

Here’s a confession: I don’t exactly like breastfeeding. I hate that letdown sensation signaling that I need to feed the baby or pump to give my breasts a breath of fresh air from all that milk that’s choking my glands to death.

But… I know that breastmilk is the best food for my little one. I don’t condemn Moms who feed their children formula milk. It’s their choice. The twins had formula milk when they were three months old. It was a choice I made back then. With my third child, I chose to breastfeed as long as my built-in milk factory continues to produce this liquid gold. Breastfeeding is not an activity I wholeheartedly enjoy but I see Jeff Junior growing as a healthy child so I know I’m doing what’s best for him.

It’s amazing how a woman’s body after giving birth adjusts to the baby’s demand for food. I realized in this second shot at breastfeeding another mortal being.

For soon-to-be Moms out there or… generally those who are yet to experience how it is to breastfeed a baby and are asking how do you know if it’s time to feed your baby… don’t worry…

Your breasts will know.

They’re pretty good at it.


T30WC or The 30-minute Writing Challenge is a writing exercise born out of this blogger’s need to maintain a habit of writing. Subjects of each writing challenge is just about anything but should ONLY be written within 30 minutes.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”