Dad Speak: Stick it to me baby!

Just to be on record – I hate needles.

Dad Speak - March 2016 - readingruffolos

The very thought of giving blood, having a flu shot or anything to do with those extra-large metal stingers that probe and prod through a human’s body to either withdraw blood or inject the human host has me trembling in abject terror.

Such were the thoughts racing through my mind when our baby boy – Jeffrey Jr. – had to go to the doctor this week for his six-month check-up and infant vaccinations.

I wasn’t there mind you – the baby’s Mom – Cris – took the brunt of the youngest Ruffolo’s infant screams and howls as multiple shots were injected into his young thighs.


Poor little guy.

Jeffrey Jr. is the world’s most perfect baby. He rarely screams (except for his bottle of infant formula_ sleeps most of the day and is “lean and mean”.

Our son is officially in the 97% for height for children in his young age group.
Which means he gonna be a big boy when he grows up – just like his Dad.

But – he also needs his vaccinations. Cris and I are big believers in infant vaccinations and we’ve never allowed our three little kids to go without. There are still a lot of really nasty diseases out there like polio, smallpox and a host of others that have killed and maimed infant children the world over.

So, when it comes to giving our kids a helping hand of health, we both agree that vaccinations are the way to go.

When the twins – Nick and Toni – had their vaccinations in the Philippines, it was very expensive – better have the cash ready after the screaming twins had their thighs poked with needles.

But here in America, vaccinations are nearly free.

So after baby Jeffrey got his shots and we safely transported him back home, that evening he had a painful reaction in both legs.

His legs hurt all too much.

Cris and I both feared for him as he had a fitful night’s sleep.

Oh … how Cris and I both anguished for him.

And in the back of my mind I was thinking … better him than me.

Oh I know that is so wrong to think.

But my childhood fear of needles from my youthful vaccinations still ring true today.

My parents were equally believed in infant vaccinations and both and I am my four siblings all were vaccinated for the diseases of the day.

So, if you are worried about the future health of your children, please give serious consideration of following your hospital’s written and dated schedules for your infant vaccinations.

Cris and I are both glad we did.