Hugs and more hugs

At the Ruffolo home, we love hugs.

LOTS of them.

So to me, it was no surprise to see one day that Nicholas was giving Antoinette a big bear hug that surprised the grumpy but pretty sister.

In the hugs-and-cuddles department, Nicholas is the manager (following his Dad who owns Hugs and Co., Unlimited).

Every single day is a hug fest for Nicholas, who would immediately envelop his sister in warm, tight embrace whether or not he is told to do so. Antoinette reacts by hugging her twin brother back or brushing him away. Sometimes, she slaps him. I guess, she finds the hug to tight or Nicholas is distracting her from what she’s doing (e.g. playing with her toy monkey named Kaka or figuring out if that pink erase in her Tweety Bird pencil case is edible). 

I’m writing this at 3:45 a.m. as the twins are awake, exploring our bedroom at the little Cebu house. The twins are all over their Grandmother giving her hugs and kisses, which, for sure, are suffocating her and disturbing her much-needed slumber.

So after being told by Lala/Grandma to leave her alone because she needs sleep, the twins migrated to the other side of the bed. Antoinette was in a good mood, smiling amd showing off her beautiful eyes when Nicholas hugged her from the side with his signature big smile accentuated by his dimple and further cutified by his large hair with baby curls.

I’m worried sick about a paper I need to finish for school come Friday. But with this early morning sight, I choose to smile and thank the heavens for this chance to wake up at 3:00 a.m. to witness a simple, adorable, affectionate gesture from my son to my daughter.

